Google rss feed reader
Google rss feed reader

google rss feed reader

Choose where you would like the Google Alerts delivered.You can receive ‘only the best results’ or ‘all results’ depending on your needs Choose how many results you want to get.You can choose from – as it happens, at most once a day, at most once a week Choose how often you would like to receive your Google Alerts.You can choose from – blogs, news, web, video, books, discussions, finance or automatic (everything)

google rss feed reader

Choose the sources you want Google Alerts to find and share with you.You may also want to include keyword phrases related to your brand and your industry.

google rss feed reader

  • Enter the search term you want the Google Alert to track – if you’re not sure what to track, start with your company name.
  • Whenever there is a new source published on the web that meets your criteria, Google will let you know about it. Google Alerts is a free ‘content change detection and notification service’, offered by Google. If you’re constantly looking for news to help you monitor conversations about your business, your products, your people and competitors – then why not set up Google Alerts, and let all the information come to you?

    Google rss feed reader